How Can You Join?
To join we need a completed application and membership dues of $20.00
per person or $35.00 for a Family, for the first year. Memership Dues include Newsletters, Correspondence and Registration
Fees at some events. Please contact us for more information and a copy of the application.
Who Can Join?
We invite anybody interested in honoring their ancestors and learning more and living the
period of the war between the states ,all the while in a family oriented atmoshere to join. Members are not required to participate
in every event as we realize work and family comes first but we do require dedciation to our goals and our Organization.
Benefits of Joining
There are several benefits to becoming a member of our organization. Our members are close friends
, we travel and meet others interested in our hobby and we have a great time when we get together. Of course we also have
a common interest, and we hope to further our cause.